Southern California Mission Trip 2024

I had the privilege of joining the Bethel mission trip to Southern California, where we partnered with the church in Moreno Valley. This historic church building, which had served as a military chapel during both World Wars, was celebrating its 100th anniversary. During our Refuel Conference, I had the honor of speaking about Hosting His Presence and living in the glory. The presence of God was tangible, and many people experienced powerful encounters with Him.

As a team, we saw healings, deliverances, and salvations. We also had the opportunity to serve the church by painting the walls and fixing the ceiling. It was a hands-on way to show our love and care for the community.

Hosting His Presence

I spoke from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 about us being the temple of God and how we can host His presence outside of the church walls because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Before my session, I received an impression from the Holy Spirit that there would be someone on the second row and third column who needed ministry after the session. I approached that person and, as soon as I started to pray, they began crying and thanked me.

Refuel Conference: It was a bilingual church, and one of our co-leaders on the trip was translating in Spanish.

Ministering to people

We went out to share the gospel, prayed, and encouraged the people

One of our team members got to meet her son for the first time, whom she had given up for adoption when she was 15 years old. This trip was not just a big moment for her, but for the church and us as well. We were emotional and got to pray and minister to her son.

I got to spend time with a man who was born blind and visually impaired. He was a graduate from Biola University and talking with him and hearing his thoughts and caring heart was an impactful experience for me and the team. He shared with me a paper he wrote on ‘Praying for Healing’, which was one of the best papers I’ve ever read. This person’s story and insights had a lasting impact on me, and I’m sharing the link to his paper below so you can read it and be blessed by it too.

This is the Team Glory

I am thankful for the team and the leaders especially all of you that kept me in your prayers.

2 thoughts on “Southern California Mission Trip 2024”

  1. What wonderful testimonies Hosea! I was so blessed by the teaching that you gave, as I read it. You were in Moreno Valley and that is where one of my daughters, her husband and three children also live!


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