A Hunger Fulfilled: The Beauty of Knowing Him

Have you ever experienced the realization that having something, or someone, makes everything else seem less valuable, or even meaningless? Doesn’t it almost give you a sense of abandonment, where only this one thing matters and nothing else holds significance? You feel ‘ruined’ in a sense, because the pleasures you once found in your possessions fade away.

Having Christ and considering everything else as nothing is both the most beautiful hunger and the most profound satisfaction. It signifies a life ‘ruined’ for the world, where nothing in it can truly satisfy, because you have tasted and seen that He is good.

You come to the realization that you possess something more valuable than silver, gold, or life itself. He is the ultimate prize and reward.

The hunger for Him will never leave you starving for attention or significance, because you are in love with the One who loved you first. You are simply responding to the love you have already received, a love you did not earn or work for.

Knowing Him, having your heart, mind, and soul awestruck by His beauty as you gaze upon His face, His nature, and His finished work on the cross—this is where true beauty lies. Nothing feels better than being in His presence, which is where you were designed to be. As you continue to behold Him, you will begin to reflect His nature. He is the only true satisfaction.

When you pour yourself out at His feet, the world may perceive it as having nothing left. But you know that you have become more satisfied by laying everything at your Master’s feet. This is the place of pure worship and adoration, and He desires for you to experience it.

Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. – Philippians 3:8

What are you holding on to that you need to lay at his feet?

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