You Are Mine (Love Letter)

I see you, I know you, I heard your first heartbeat. I heard your first cry, I saw your first smile, and I was proud of what I made. I watched you take your first step, and I was excited to take you on this journey. You are my masterpiece. I am the One who … Read more

There Is Love

Inner healing and mental health are still considered bizarre topics in our Eastern culture, and we cannot afford to talk about them or be honest about what we are dealing with. However, there is nothing too dark within us that God cannot reach, but we have to let Him reach the places in our heart … Read more

The Acts Of The Holy Spirit

What does it mean to being filled by the Holy Spirit? Are speaking in tongues indicates that we are being filled with the Spirit? Why we celebrate The Day Of Pentecost? You can watch that discussion on the given link.

How To Be Safe From Coronavirus

ہمارے ملک میں کیا پہلے خوف کی خبریں کم تھیں؟ جو  ایک اور خوفزدہ خبر ہمارے اردگرد منڈلا رہی ہے۔ پہلے لوگ دہشتگردی سے خوفزدہ تھے ،پھر مہنگائی سے، اور اب کورونا وائرس۔ خوف ایسی چیز ہے جو بہت آسانی سے پھیل جاتا ہے۔ خوف کی خبریں چلتی رہیں گی کیونکہ ہمارا  میڈیا  اِس کام … Read more