I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me

Text: Philippians 4:10-13

I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Paul, a former Pharisee who persecuted Christians, wrote the book of Philippians after encountering Christ on his way to Damascus. Paul established the first Christian church in Europe, the church of Philippi, during his second missionary journey. Paul’s letter to the Philippians expresses his joy and trust in Jesus. He thanks the church for their support during his difficult times. He highlights the concept of pouring out one’s life as an offering for Christ’s sake, which brings him immense joy and satisfaction in serving Christ.

This passage draws parallels with the Israelites’ experiences in foreign lands, such as Daniel and Esther, where God provided for and empowered them. Throughout church history, persecution has occurred, but believers have stood firm in their faith, relying on God’s strength to face adversity. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount emphasizes trusting God rather than material possessions. Similarly, David’s psalms express complete reliance on God, declaring Him as his shepherd. Ultimately, Christ is the hero of this passage, providing strength to the weary and constant presence in every situation. Paul’s perspective is one of unwavering devotion to worshiping God regardless of his circumstances. Whether he is bound in chains or free from them, he remains determined in his faith and chooses to draw strength from Christ rather than his immediate situation.

Phil. 4:11 Strength: to fill with power, make strong (Bill Mounce Dictionary)

It is the same strength that was mentioned in the book of Acts by Luke writing the words of Jesus when He was ascending to heaven, He said when the Holy Spirit will come, you will receive the Power/Strength to be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. This strength is given to us to fulfill the purpose of on earth as it is in Heaven.  

No matter what life throws at you, it doesn’t have to define your relationship with Christ. Because of his crucifixion and resurrection, you can be defined by his love and grace. Don’t put your faith in temporary situations but instead, put it in Christ, who is constant and has the power to transform the temporary. Even if your circumstances don’t change, you can still find strength in Christ, who is the source of your comfort and love. Remember, material possessions and external situations don’t define you – it’s your relationship with Christ that truly matters.

Strength does not come from the circumstances but from the relationship with Christ.

You may encounter a challenging situation that appears impossible, but remember Paul’s words. The key to his contentment lies in the fact that he can do all things through Him who strengthens. Rejoice and worship God even when circumstances don’t make sense. Look to the empty cross and the empty grave; that’s where your strength lies.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, let me remember Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. May I be strengthened and content in every circumstance, knowing that God is still on the throne and lives within me. Amen.

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